How to Make a Wreath with Scrap Fabric

Have you ever thought "I have way too many scraps! I am never going to use all these!" 

I have that thought too. But usually making a project involving scraps makes me feel better!

One of my favorite things to make with scraps is the Fabric Scrap Wreaths.

Black and white scrap fabric wreath hanging on the door

It only takes a few hours to make and I usually have a plethora of colors to choose from.

I also like that it doesn't matter what is printed on the fabric. Usually wreaths are admired from far enough away, and the pieces are cut small enough, no one can tell what is printed on it.

For example, this wreath is made from a bunch of fabric that has skulls printed on it. I am not making a skull quilt anytime soon, so I made it into a wreath.

Red and white scrap fabric wreath made with skull fabric 

Today I am making a spring colored wreath.

Spring colored fabric scrap wreath pink purple teal yellow

To make one of these you will need:

2 to 2.5 yards of scrap fabric and a wire wreath form

I rough cut the fabric into 1.25 x 5 inch pieces. With scraps sometimes you have to take what you can get. If they get too small it is hard to tie them, if they are too thick they won't stay on the form as well. 

After they are all cut, I mixed them all up really well.

Pile of cut scraps in spring colors

Wire frames are available at most craft or fabric stores in the floral section. They are also available online. The one I use most frequently is about 15 inches in diameter.  I have also seen them in squares, hearts, and candy cane shapes.

Wire wreath form

Next, I start tying the fabric onto the form.

Tying fabric onto the wreath form

It is just a simple, single knot. It is the first step I use when tying my shoes. 

Then I just keep adding fabric. 

Fabric tied to the wreath form

The hardest thing is trying to evenly distribute the colors. To help with this, I try to make sure two of the same colors don't touch. Of course, this depends on your fabric selection. I also concentrate on one ring, going all the way around before I move to the next ring. So if I am heavy in one color on the first ring, but not in the last ring, it will be ok. 

When I am done tying on fabric, I turn it over and make sure all the tails are facing forward. 

The back side of the completed wreath

Then I turn it back over and trim any of the fabric tails that are too long and generally clean it up.

Finally, I tie a hanging loop on the back from one of the support wires.

Now it is ready to hang up and look pretty!

Spring colored completed scrap fabric wreath

Please remember not to hang it in direct sunlight, as the fabric can fade. 

(Outdoor fabrics are less likely to fade, but are thicker and harder to tie on to the wire form. If you decide to try this you might need to cut thinner strips of fabric.)

Please post any questions, comments, or pictures of your wreaths below. I would love to see what you come up with!

Have fun quilting (and using your scraps!)


  • Hi Lovie! Thanks for your comment. You know, I am not sure. I know that starch with my iron makes the fabric nice and stiff, but I am not sure how starch reacts to the elements.

    Becky Smith
  • I just love these ideas you have !!!, and the colors are so pretty . I have seen the pieces of fabric kind of looped on ( probably not a great way of describing it but maybe you get what I am trying to say ). To keep the fabric pieces nice would you ever spray with starch spray or would that be a disaster in the heat?

    lovie Whitt

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