Introducing the Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern!

I am so excited to share my newest pattern. This one has been in the works for a long time. This is the Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern!

Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern

I came up with the idea for this quilt while on vacation a few years ago. I started putting the pattern together about a year ago and was excited to release it about the time COVID-19 changed everything. So it got put on hold while hundreds of masks were made, and school was moved to online for my kiddos. But Summer vacation has allowed me to get back to a new normal. 

This fun quilt is great for beginning or intermediate quilters. There is no paper piecing or applique. 

It gets it's name because it features a quilt block that is called the Card Trick Block. But it's not tricky at all!

I quilted it on my domestic machine using small, meandering swirls and squiggles.  

Not-So-Tricky Quilt being quilted

I also tried out some ruler work with some circles. That was fun! 

Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern


Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern

Here is a blue version that my pattern tester made. She added a little twist to her blocks for a cool affect and quilted it in an edge to edge square pattern. It looks so great!  

Not-So-Tricky Quilt Pattern in Blue

This pattern is now available in my shop as a digital download emailed to you.

Check out my pattern shop here to purchase this or other great patterns!

If you have any questions or comments on this quilt pattern, leave a comment below!

Have fun quilting!

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