I Need Some Sewing Time

Have you ever had that moment in the day when you just want to escape? I am having one of those weeks. All I really want to do is escape to my sewing room, close the door, and not come out till I have spent many, many hours working on a quilt. 

I need something that I can just sew on and not worry about how it it looks or where it's going to. 

The other day I was cleaning up my sewing room a bit and found my box of unfinished items. I pulled this quilt top out of it. "What is this? Oh yeah!"

Pin Wheel Quilt Top

I won these finished pin wheel blocks in a raffle about 5 years ago.  I remember sewing the blocks together and adding in the borders. I then promptly put it back in the box and forgot about it. 

This quilt top is exactly what I need. I haven't spent a lot of time on it. I don't feel invested it. But it does look lovely. So I am going to spend some time a free motion quilt it. I am going to use it as a release and spend some me-time on it. 

I am going to practice my ruler work. 

Ruler Work on a Quilt Top

I hope you can find some me-time and get an opportunity to sew!

Have fun quilting!

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